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NISM Series X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Mock Test

  • Master the NISM Series X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Exam effortlessly with our comprehensive package! Gain access to 700 vital questions, including 50+ solved case studies, designed for clarity and deep understanding. Enjoy 15-days validity, 10 attempts per test, and instant online access post-payment. Subscription cost: Rs. 499 (+GST).
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NISM Series X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Mock Test and NISM X-A Question Bank details

The examination establishes a baseline of common knowledge for individual investment advisers, principal officers of non-individual investment advisers, and those associated with investment advice under SEBI (Investment Advisers) Regulations, 2013. To meet regulatory requirements, individuals in these roles must pass both levels of the NISM-Series-X-A and X-B certification exams. This certification aims to elevate the standards of investment advisory and related services within the financial services industry.

Examination Objectives

Upon successful completion of the examination, candidates should:

  • Demonstrate knowledge in the fundamentals of personal financial planning, time value of money, assessing clients’ financial positions, debt management, and loans.
  • Gain an understanding of the Indian Financial Markets and various segments of the Indian Securities market.
  • Acquire orientation to different types of investment products, including equity, debt, derivatives, and managed portfolios such as mutual funds, portfolio management services, and alternative investment funds.
  • Possess knowledge about portfolio construction, performance monitoring, and evaluation.
  • Develop an understanding of the operational aspects of investment management, key regulations, ethical considerations for investment advisers, and the grievance redress system.
Assessment Structure

The examination consists of 90 multiple choice questions and 9 caselets/case-based questions. The assessment structure is as follows:


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